Encomium as I-CAN Foundation Empowers Inmates at Ondo Correctional Center
By: Olanrewaju Ayo
The I-CAN dream big foundation, a Non-Governmental Organization aimed at training teenagers with relevant creative and innovative skills and leadership styles was at the Ondo State correctional center for a 4-days empowerment, training, and skill acquisitions programme.
The four-day- four skills acquisition programme saw the children trained in Tailoring, Barbing, Hair-Making, and Shoemaking as they were at liberty to choose the skills of their choice.
The I-CAN foundation which was birthed in 2018 aims at promoting the first (no poverty) and 9th (Industry, innovation, and infrastructure ) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) partnered with other sisters NGO like the Emily Foundation and Dalacremz Foundation, founded by the popular social media influencer and activist, Yemmie Fash.
In her remarks, the founder of I-CAN, Miss. Ayomide Akintade, thanked all the facilitators and sponsors for making the programme a success and impactful.
In her words, “ The programme was approved by the ministry of women affairs and social development.
The reason for the empowerment is that we want the children to have a skill so that when they are out, they have something to rely on and have better life devoid of roaming the street and becoming liabilities. These children will perform better If they have the opportunity to do it for a longer period.”

In the meantime, one of the officials of the correctional center, Mr. Oladele, lauded the initiative and called on other NGOs and well-meaning Nigerians to emulate this kind gesture in other to improve the standard of living of the children.
The climax of the 4 days event which was from the Monday, 11 to Thursday 14, April 2022 was the closing ceremony, as the children exhibited the skills they have acquired from different sections such as making clothes, barbing, making of scandals, and wig making without supervision from their instructors. There was also a donation of clothes, shoes, and daily essentials courtesy of the Emily Foundation.