Toward Building a Resilient Economy, Embrace Climate-smart Practices – Rep Akingbaso

Toward Building a Resilient Economy, Embrace Climate-smart Practices – Rep Akingbaso

Toward Building a Resilient Economy, Embrace Climate-smart Practices – Rep Akingbaso

The 2024 Season Climate Prediction (SCP) with the Theme ” Facilitating a Weather Resilient Economy Through Early Warnings For All to Foster Renewed Hope and Sustainable Development” was unveiled on the 20th of February, 2024 at the NAF Conference, FCT Abuja by 10 AM.

Dignitaries, major stakeholders and various players filled the Centre to the brim. The Permanent Secretary (PS) of The Ministry of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Dr. Emmanuel C. Meribole gave the welcome address as he appreciated the esteemed presence of the distinguished participants of this year’s programme.

Several goodwill messages were given in two segments with the following bodies taking the lead; NEDA, IFAD, NEMA, Vice Chancellors and WMO. Each one of them reels out messages in respect of the 2024 climate with its effects on the socioeconomic of the country and beyond.

An interlude enabled the Young Met. Ambassador to entertain the participants with Drama and poem recital.

The second segment of the goodwill messages began with the DGCA, all Agencies under the Ministry of Aviation and Aerospace Development were represented by the NCAA, followed by the Senate, as Hon Festus Olanrewaju Akingbaso who stood in for the House of Representatives through her Committee on aviation, in his goodwill message, Rep Akingbaso appreciated major stakeholders for their quality efforts in the management of resources that enhance sustainable as SCP is a major tool of planning and forecasting which prevent food shortages and accidents. He further charged major stakeholders to embrace climate-smart techniques to stimulate greater results in their activities, he assured the NIMET and other MDAs that the House of Representatives shall continue to assist them with vibrant legislation that will assist and grow their efforts in quanta.

Former Nigerian President, His Excellency Olusegun Obasanjo interacted with the participant via online medium as he threw his support overwhelmingly to the programme.

The keynote speech was delivered by the Hon. Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Keyamo Festus SAN, CON where he emphasized the importance of the Season Climate Prediction, said it was not about Aviation industries alone but included the Agricultural sector, The Environment as well as other affected sectors. He unveiled the 2024 Season Climate Production (SCP), which reveals the quantum of rainfall in all the states of the federation with expert advice on how to react to the predicted figures. The publications were translated into major Nigerian languages and pidgin.

Addressing the Press after, Hon Festus Akingbaso charged the relevant bodies to make the SCP publication available to major Traditional Leasers and most Religious Centres across the country.

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