OBA Lauds Ose Monarchs On Proactive Security Measure*

*OBA Lauds Ose Monarchs On Proactive Security Measure*

Otunba Bamidele Akingboye (OBA) received the news of the decisive action taken by some patriotic monarchs in Ose Local Government Area of Ondo state, giving violent Fulani herdsmen a 21 day ultimatum to vacate their land pleasingly without eschewing our encomium on them.

Without prejudice, this is tentatively a pragmatic and proactive step in the right direction to saving millions of lives and checkmating the menace of incessant killings, kidnappings and destruction of properties in our dear state.

Without putting words in clutches, Ondo State which was undoubtedly one of the most peaceful states in the country over the years has suddenly been subjected to serious turmoil in terms of security among many other challenges ranging from political, economic and social.

It’s saddening and perfidious that those saddled with the responsibilities of protecting the lives and properties of the masses are busy playing mindless politics to prove their loyalty to lords and cabals when peace and tranquility within the state is fast evaporating into a deja vu.

Akingboye commends the monarchs for standing in bravely and frankly to face the plights where government and other concerned agencies have failed woefully.

He implores the monarchs to be tactful and ensure avoidance of strategies that would further plunge their communities into crisis; or on the other end could pose threats to national unity and peaceful co – existence.

Otunba Akingboye therefore charges other monarchs in the state to follow suit in swinging into action as it would go a long way in eradicating the increasing criminality that have put the state in the eyes of the world for wrong reasons.

Akingboye hopes to take over governance of Ondo State come 2020, promises to proffer lasting amelioration to security challenges and harness our God-given wisdom for the benefit of all in Ondo State.

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