Hardly has the breakout of the pandemic coronavirus reached a month in Nigeria and those in pharmaceutical business even notable stores in Akure, Owo and Ondo town have drawn their long forks and considered it something to feast on and a means to cash out on the masses.
Pharmaceutical business since outbreak of coronavirus in Nigeria is now a money doubling scheme.
How do we explain the outrageous prices of face masks and hand gloves in the face of Covid_19? How justifiable is this increase.
A pack which sells from #700-#1000 is now being sold for #15,000. Why do we derive joy making gains from pains.
Is corruption still from above or runs in the system of every Nigerian but with different opportunities to exploit.
Nigeria may not get the healing we so much crave if we still have the myopic thought that political office holders are the root of our problems.
However, as the use of face masks have become imperative as one of the preventive measures in controlling the spread of the pandemic virus, I have taken it as a responsibility in providing my constituents with sanitizers, hand gloves, face masks and other recommended items for precaution.
So far a thousand hand sanitizer, face masks and hand gloves have been distributed in my constituency, Akure South Constituency 1 and I’m willing to do more as need for them arises and request increases.
For the sake of the masses and in order not to put them at higher risk, I call on all relevant regulatory bodies and government agencies to clamp down on these excesses and rise in favour of the common man.
Hon. Simeon Toluwani Borokini,
Member, Representing Akure South Constituency 1